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The Friction

The Friction

Oct 20, 2019

Passage: Acts 4:1-12

Preacher: Bishop Jayson Quiñones

Series: Devoted


The mission of the church has never been more important. We must realize that resistance, hostility, and conflict are all realities that surround the friction in our lives and the purpose of God for the church. The enemy has been resisting the King and His kingdom since before creation, the world is hostile towards the gospel and the King, and there is an ongoing conflict between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness, the flesh and spirit, and the church and spiritual forces!


Main Points

  1. Resistance and hostility should fuel and focus the mission: (4:1-12; 5:17-21, 29-33, 40-42)
  2. Conflict creates opportunities for growth in leadership-focused discipleship: (6:1-7)
  3. Friction should keep US together seeking the Lord in prayer: (4:23-31; 6:6)

The greatest obstacle to forward progress is the friction necessary for upward growth

Closing Thought

Where is friction hindering your growth rather than provoking it?