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Pray in Power

Pray in Power

Jan 20, 2019

Passage: James 5:13-18

Preacher: Bishop Jayson Quiñones

Series: Pray-In


There is no question that our culture needs to be impacted by the power of God. This is most clearly seen by the divisions within the culture over policies, programs and politics. If it starts with a “p” the church is probably divided over it somehow…we’re divided over people, programs, preachers, principles, practices, prophecy and prophecies. Saddest of all, is that we’re divided over what constitutes the “power” of God, and all the while lost people are dying, the culture is being overrun by demonic schemes and the church is on the defensive rather than the offensive!


James 5:13-18

Main Points

1. Praying in power requires a culture of prayer: (vv.13-16a)

2. Praying in power is marked by understanding our common frailty: (vv.17-18)

3. Praying in power is Spirit-energized: (v:16b)