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Pergamos: The Compromising Church

Pergamos: The Compromising Church

May 16, 2021

Passage: Revelation

Preacher: Bishop Jayson Quiñones

Series: Revelation


Pergamos, or Pergamum, is the third church Jesus addresses. It was known as one of the great cities, it was a capitol city in Asia minor, with the first temple for Cesar, and according to history home to one of the 8 Ancient Legendary Libraries. Pergamum was also known for the production of parchment paper, and a bunch of temples to different gods. One especially connected to their university of medicine, known as the God of Pergamum -- Asklepios, the god of healing -- symbolized as a serpent.


Sermon Points

  1. No matter our environment faithfulness is possible and compromise unnecessary: (vv.12-13)
  2. We typically don’t realize how important sound doctrine is until it’s too late: (vv.14-15)
  3. Repentance is always an option: (vv.16-17)

Compromise in church life is the product of compromise in biblical truth

Closing Thoughts...

Are there any areas of compromise in your life that you need to repent of?