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Marks of Maturity

Marks of Maturity

Mar 19, 2023

Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:13-25

Preacher: Bishop Jayson Quiñones

Series: Church Function


As we have been learning, the purpose of the gifts of the Spirit are for the benefit of the whole, not just the edification of one, or a select few, who have been gifted in certain ways. As members of the body of Christ, pursuing love, our desire should be to be used by the Spirit in the way He intended, which will ALWAYS produce the fruit He desires!


Sermon Points

1. Maturity isn’t marked by abstinence but application of the gifts: (vv.13-19)

  • Some people have the idea that speaking in a tongue is an evidence of spiritual maturity, but Paul taught that it is possible to exercise the gift in an unspiritual and immature manner

2. Maturity is marked by our understanding of the purpose of the gifts: (vv.20-22)

3. Maturity is marked by the fruit of our use of the gifts: (vv.23-25)

  • The gospel alone is offensive enough! May our practices in gathered worship, our expression of the gifts, create an atmosphere where the conviction of the Holy Spirit is unhindered and
    that the fruit of our time together is edification and addition the family of God!!!

God expects our maturity when it comes to how we engage with His gifts

Closing Thoughts

What is your maturity level in regards to the gifts and their use?